Blue Mountain CV
June 22, 2022If you want to showcase your skills and knowledge: this CV Resume template is perfect for you.
Indeed, the blue mountain CV gets the attention with the background and highlights the information in a bright way.
Histograms convey these elements of the profile in an original and modern form.
As for colors, it must be said that black and white marry very well and gives a fairly classic and professional look at the same time.
Opt for this resume if you want to show yourself as a serious and very competent candidate.
This is what your CV and Cover Cover should look like once done with your modifications.
Curriculum Vitae
Get the CV file in MS Word format simply by clicking on the download button right after the next image presentation.
Cover Letter
We created a matching cover letter for this resume template, get the ms word file by click on the download button as usual.
The fonts used in these templates are Myriad Pro and Myriad Pro Cond.
Man smiling credit link: http://mrg.bz/ssRCKH
Mountain and lake background image credit link: http://mrg.bz/f0ec8b