Excavator operator resume template

Excavator operator resume template

July 21, 2022 0 By Author GetAFreeCV

We received this suggestion a couple times, so we decided to give it a try and create this template for one of our Facebook page followers.

So here it is, the CV for the excavator operator with a nice picture embeded in the design.

You can use this resume template for all your personnal and professionnal needs, no worries.

Here’s how it is supposed to look once completed and printed.

Excavator operator cv resume template

We decided to remove the profile picture from this template cause we believe it’s not a necessity to include it.

The picture of the machinerie looks awesome though and it makes a great personnalized design for your curriculum vitae.

Excavator or machinerie operator cv resume template in the microsoft word format.

Download the template

Simply click on the following link to download our Excavator operator CV resume template in Microsoft Word format: